Our Mission
To serve educators, students, and parents by providing cutting-edge professional development, customized technical assistance, innovative products, and excellent services to improve student outcomes, enable districts to operate efficiently and economically, and implement state initiatives.
Our Vision
Region One ESC will be the premier partner, providing leadership and innovation, transforming learning communities toward excellence.
The Region One Education Service Center is part of a state-wide system of 20 regional education service centers created in 1967.
Our Values
Commitment: consistently delivering what we promise every time and focusing on excellence in student success
Excellence: providing the very best service possible while exceeding expectations
Integrity: demonstrating honesty, sincerity and truthfulness at all times
Respect: building strong relationships by honoring each other’s works and ideas
Service: caring and responding to the needs of our customers.
Region One ESC serves 38 school districts and 10 charter school systems in the eight county areas.
Our Goals
1. To create and provide quality services and support that enhance teacher, leader, and support staff effectiveness to meet or exceed student performance standards.
2. To create and provide quality services and support that enables school districts to operate more effectively and efficiently.
3. To ensure ESC One programs, products, and services provide best value enabling LEA’s to operate economically and efficiently.
4. To effectively utilize Region One ESC core funding for core services and support to improve student and school performance.
5. To comply with all fiscal and programmatic guidelines for any grant or contract and assess and report the results.
6. To ensure sustainability through effective and efficient fiscal and operational management of all ESC programs.
7. To establish and maintain positive and productive relationships with all stakeholders as demonstrated through Region One ESC core values.
8. To provide services to the community that enhance the quality of life and expand educational opportunities.
9. To strengthen and expand collaborative and interdependent relationships with internal and external partners resulting in a unified and self-sufficient region.
10. To foster community partnerships by strengthening collaboration for broader impact of Region One ESC programs.