The Business Manager Academy is designed to ensure new Business Managers, or similar role personnel, within school systems thrive and are successful in their new position.
Their commitment to participate is crucial as they learn the multi-faceted dynamics involved in running an effective and efficient Business Office. This is a critical role within the school system as it serves as the lead Financial Officer for Superintendents and School Boards. The Business Manager Academy provides eight hands-on six-hour workshop sessions for the school system’s Business Manager as follows:
Session I: School Finance 101 -
Focused on learning the Business Office overall function including general accounting, budgeting, PEIMS, Human Resources, Purchasing, Payroll, Annual Financial Audit.
Session II: Human Resources 101 -
Focused on staffing needs, staffing formulas and staffing compensation.
Session III: Budget Planning 101 -
Focused on planning the next year’s annual budget, revenue projections, pupil projections, SOF Template and PEIMS.
Session IV: Payroll 101 -
Focused on learning the legal requirements as per FLSA, compliance,
TRS, Federal reporting.
Session V: Procurement 101 -
Focused on learning the legal requirements, compliance, required disclosures, best practices, construction and contract management.
Session VI: Office Operations -
Focused on learning board agendas, PFIA, bank reconciliation, tax revenue tax payments, activity funds, grants management, accounts payable/receivable, cash management and annual financial audit.
Session VII: Financing Instruments, Bonds -
Focused on learning financing options, such as bonds, maintenance tax notes, elections, refunding, IFA, EDA, debt service tax collections and more.
Session VIII: Child Nutrition Program -
Focused on learning the Child Nutrition Program at your districts, various operation programs, claim rates, compliance, navigating TDA review: procurement, administrative and financial applications.