School System Cooperatives
These cooperatives are designed to provide you and your Team the following support:
Technical assistance provided to Superintendents through the Regional Advisory Council of Superintendents (RAC)
First Year Superintendent Academy
Superintendent Leadership Summer Academy
Instructional leadership capacity building, guidance, technical assistance, training, and collaborative support activities through the Region One ESC Instructional Leadership Network
Region One Finance Advisory Council Meetings
Region One Human Resources Advisory Council Meetings
Legislative updates for School Board Members and Superintendent’s Team - Continuing education requirement training for School Boards (specialized training not included)
Public Information/Communications support for school systems
Consulting services to school systems with Moak, Casey and Associates
Regional grant applications information and updates
Staff development database and management system reports
Services for identified region-wide special projects as requested by the Texas Legislature or Texas Education Agency
Once I join how do I receive membership access?
Your Leadership Team will receive access to their respective Region One ESC Council including access to presentation resources, meeting recordings and other information through a secured website.
Cooperative Fee Structure:
• Cooperative fees are based on the school system’s prior year ADA
• Registration fee for events is included through the School System Cooperative
• Non-participating school systems will incur a registration fee per event/per attendee
• Customized training is available, upon request, additional fees may apply