What are Portfolios?
Portfolios use a collection of examples known as artifacts, that match set standards to assess student growth over the course of a year, by measuring a student’s movement along a skill progression rubric.
Portfolios can show how each student learns and improves, by keeping records of their work over time.
How can they be used?
Portfolios can be used in any course or content but are best suited for courses that have skill standards in creation and production, such as:
- Career and Technical Education
- Fine Arts/Performance Arts
- Early Childhood
- Special Education
Portfolios determine students' skill levels at the start of the year using a skill progression rubric, and set a growth target for the end of the year. Student work is assessed based on specific skills from the rubric.
Best Practices for application
It is best to collect several artifacts that accurately represent the content being evaluated. These examples can vary, like audio or video of performances, scanned or physical artwork, or student projects like welding or woodworking.
What is the process?
With portfolios, students’ beginning of year skill levels are determined using a skill progression rubric and an and a set growth target for the end of the year that demonstrates movement along the rubric.
An assessment of student work products is grounded in the specific skill details of the rubric. Best practice is to collect multiple artifacts valid and specific to the evaluated content.
The type of artifact varies by content area, such as audio and video of a student musical, choir, or theatrical performance; student artwork either scanned digitally, submitted as a hard copy, or both; or student-created products such as welding or woodwork.
TIA requires that the district portfolio process:
- Demonstrates student work aligned to the standards of the course
- Demonstrates mastery of standards
- Utilizes a skills proficiency rubric with at least four different skill levels
- Includes criteria for scoring various artifacts
- Includes more than one artifact